Episode 111

Wednesday, July 24th | Psalm 114


July 24th, 2024

6 mins 25 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

1 When Israel came out of Egypt —
the house of Jacob from a people
who spoke a foreign language —
2 Judah became his sanctuary,
Israel, his dominion.
3 The sea looked and fled;
the Jordan turned back.
4 The mountains skipped like rams,
the hills, like lambs.
5 Why was it, sea, that you fled?
Jordan, that you turned back?
6 Mountains, that you skipped like rams?
Hills, like lambs?
7 Tremble, earth, at the presence of the Lord,
at the presence of the God of Jacob,
8 who turned the rock into a pool,
the flint into a spring.
-- Psalms 114:1-8 (CSB)

God is Faithful (Ps 114) by Bob Kauflin and Lacy Hudson

God brought out His people
With a strong and mighty hand
Took them out of slavery to behold the Promised Land
Mountains fled before them
And the seas turned back and ran
And they saw that He was good

God is faithful to His promise
He is with us He is with us
God is faithful God is faithful to His own

God has come to free us from the bondage of our sin
Tasting of His kindness we cannot go back again
Leads us through the desert
To the rivers of His grace
Working all things for our good

We have known Your mercy
And Your love as in the past
If days be few or many You will guide us to the last
You have said it we believe it
Every promise holding fast
For we know that You are good

God is faithful to His promise
He is with us He is with us
God is faithful God is faithful to His own
You are faithful to Your promise
You are with us You are with us
You are faithful You are faithful to Your own

Lord, how easily I get shaken. Criticism, a sense of failure, changes and losses—all these things rattle me. Help me to live in the “kingdom that cannot be shaken” (Hebrews 12:28). Teach me how to build my life every day on your Word and your love, which will endure when all other things pass away. Amen.
-Tim Keller