Episode 151

Wednesday, October 2nd | Psalm 8


October 2nd, 2024

9 mins 6 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

1 Lord, our Lord,
how magnificent is your name throughout the earth!
You have covered the heavens with your majesty.
2 From the mouths of infants and nursing babies,
you have established a stronghold
on account of your adversaries
in order to silence the enemy and the avenger.
3 When I observe your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you set in place,
4 what is a human being that you remember him,
a son of man that you look after him?
5 You made him little less than God
and crowned him with glory and honor.
6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
you put everything under his feet:
7 all the sheep and oxen,
as well as the animals in the wild,
8 the birds of the sky,
and the fish of the sea
that pass through the currents of the seas.
9 Lord, our Lord,
how magnificent is your name throughout the earth! -- Psalms 8:1-9 (CSB)

Majestic (Psalm 8) by Aaron Shust

O Lord our Lord
How majestic is Your Name in all the earth
O Lord our Lord
How majestic is Your Name in all the earth

When I look up at the heavens
The moon and all the stars
What is man that You remember us
When I look up at the heavens
The moon and all the stars
What is man that You remember us
The son of man that You would visit us

Creator of the starry sky
Crafted by Your hands
What is man that You remember us
Creator of the Universe
Crafted by Your hands
What is man that You remember us
The son of man that You would visit us

You made him a little lower than elohim
Crowned him with glory and honor
Placing creation under his feet

Creator of the starry sky
Crafted by Your hands
What is man that You remember us
The son of man that You would visit us

Your glorious Majesty surround me, the blessed Trinity protect me, and the eternal Godhead preserve me. Your unlimited mercy support me; your loving kindness encompass me; your favor make me to rejoice. The eternal truth of God be my delight, the saving knowledge of Christ strengthen me, and the all-prevailing grace of God be sufficient for me. May the grace of God the Father lead me, the wisdom of God the Son be my consolation, and the power of the Holy Spirit enlighten me. Lord my Creator, stand by me; my Redeemer, save me; and my Comforter, dwell with me. Amen.
-Johann Habermann