Episode 199

Thursday, January 2nd | Genesis 2


January 2nd, 2025

8 mins 53 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

18 Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper corresponding to him.” 19 The LORD God formed out of the ground every wild animal and every bird of the sky, and brought each to the man to see what he would call it. And whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. 20 The man gave names to all the livestock, to the birds of the sky, and to every wild animal; but for the man no helper was found corresponding to him. 21 So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to come over the man, and he slept. God took one of his ribs and closed the flesh at that place. 22 Then the LORD God made the rib he had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man.

23 And the man said:
This one, at last, is bone of my bone
and flesh of my flesh;
this one will be called “woman,”
for she was taken from man.

24 This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh. 25 Both the man and his wife were naked, yet felt no shame.
(Genesis 2:18-25 CSB17)

Creator by Bryan Fowler, Kristyn Getty, and Phil Wickham

Praise Him all you creatures great and small
Praise Him summer winter spring and fall
Howling wind rushing streams
Rolling hills and crashing seas
Lift your voice and worship your Creator

Praise Him gleaming moon and burning sun
Praise Him all you spinning spheres above
Shining stars golden beams
Choir made of galaxies
Lift your voice and worship your Creator

You are holy
Earth and heaven
Sing forever
You are holy
All creation
Praise Creator

Praise Him who stepped into what He made
Paid our debt and pulled us from the grave
Every heart He set free
Every soul that’s been redeemed
Lift your voice and worship your Creator

This my great and everlasting hope
I’ve been saved and heaven is my home
I can’t wait for that day
When I see You face to face
For I was made to magnify my Maker
Yes I was saved to walk beside my Savior
I’m created to worship my Creator

Yes all creation
Praise Creator

O Lord, you have created all things perfect, and nothing imperfect. To you, no creature is ugly. You have created them with your divine order, peace, and harmony. I call to you. Everything that can love, loves you—both those that know what they love, and those that do not know what they love. I call to you who have created all creatures very good, without any evil, you who will not completely show yourself to any except the pure in heart. For you are the Father of truth, the wisdom of the true and highest life, and the highest life of blessing. You are the highest good, the highest brightness. You are the Father of the Son who has awakened us, and who still brings us to life from the sleep of our sins, and who bids us come to you. Amen.
—Augustine of Hippo