Episode 212
Tuesday, January 21st | Genesis 22
January 21st, 2025
9 mins 34 secs
About this Episode
1 After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” 2 He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.” 3 So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac. And he cut the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God had told him. 4 On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place from afar. 5 Then Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you.”
6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son. And he took in his hand the fire and the knife. So they went both of them together. 7 And Isaac said to his father Abraham, “My father!” And he said, “Here I am, my son.” He said, “Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” 8 Abraham said, “God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.” So they went both of them together.
9 When they came to the place of which God had told him, Abraham built the altar there and laid the wood in order and bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. 10 Then Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slaughter his son. 11 But the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said, “Abraham, Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” 12 He said, “Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.” 13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him was a ram, caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son. 14 So Abraham called the name of that place, “The Lord will provide”; as it is said to this day, “On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.”
(Genesis 22:1-14 ESV)
Trust in You by Lauren Daigle, Michael Farren, Paul Mabury
Letting go of every single dream
I lay each one down at Your feet
Every moment of my wondering
Never changes what You see
I've tried to win this war I confess
My hands are weary I need Your rest
Mighty warrior King of the fight
No matter what I face You're by my side
When You don't move the mountains
I'm needing You to move
When You don't part the waters
I wish I could walk through
When You don't give the answers
As I cry out to You
I will trust I will trust
I will trust in You
Truth is You know what tomorrow brings
There's not a day ahead You have not seen
So in all things be my life and breath
I want what You want Lord and nothing less
You are my strength and comfort
You are my steady hand
You are my firm foundation
The Rock on which I stand
Your ways are always higher
Your plans are always good
There's not a place where I'll go
You've not already stood
Like the eyes of a son to his father, O Lord, so are my eyes toward you at all times. For with you are my consolations and my delight. Do not turn your mercies from me, O Lord, and do not take away your kindness. Stretch out to me your right hand at all times, and be my guide even to the end. Let me be well-pleasing before you, because of your glory and your name. Preserve me from evil, and let your meekness abide with me, and the fruits of your love. Teach me the psalms of your truth, that I may bring forth fruit in you. And open to me the harp of your Holy Spirit, that with all its notes I may praise you, O Lord. Give to me according to the multitude of your tender mercies, and grant our prayers very soon. You are able to provide for all our needs. Hallelujah! Amen.
—Odes of Solomon