Episode 96

Wednesday, July 3rd | Psalm 123


July 3rd, 2024

6 mins 26 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

1 I lift my eyes to you,
the one enthroned in heaven.
2 Like a servant’s eyes on his master’s hand,
like a servant girl’s eyes on her mistress’s hand,
so our eyes are on the Lord our God
until he shows us favor.
3 Show us favor, Lord, show us favor,
for we’ve had more than enough contempt.
4 We’ve had more than enough
scorn from the arrogant
and contempt from the proud. -- Psalms 123:1-4 (CSB)

Psalm 123 by Poor Bishop Hooper

To you i will lift up my eyes
O you who are enthroned in heaven
Behold as the eyes of the servants
Look to hand of their master
Behold as the eyes of maidservants
Look to the hand of their mistress

So our eyes look to the lord
Until he has mercy
So our eyes look to the lord our god
Until he has mercy on us

To you i will lift up my eyes
O you who are enthroned in heaven
Our soul has had more than enough
Of the scoffing and the scorn and contempt

So our eyes look to the lord
Until he has mercy
So our eyes look to the lord our god
Until he has mercy on us
Abbreviated Passage:

O Christ, who knows our sorrows: comfort our brethren who are lonely and heavy with griefs. Give courage to those who are assailed by vehement temptations; give strength to them who have no might, and when they are tried, grant them the victory. Remember the sick and afflicted, especially such as are dear to us whom we name in our hearts . . . and if so it seems good to you, give health again, in body and soul, for your tender mercies’ sake. [Amen.] Augustine